The two things that scare me most are tornados and sharks. I've never been in the presence of either but I imagine both to be terrifying. The other night, I was awakened by wind whipping through my little neighborhood, gnashing at trees and upending bar stragglers. As I rubbed my tired eyes, Finnigan the Brave started nudging me to let him out which was really a bid to seek shelter in the front hallway. I couldn't really get back to sleep. So I laid there as my mind conjured dreams of monsters. Large grey funnels were coming at me, filled to the brim with Hammerheads and Great Whites. That early morning reminded me of pathetic fallacy. In layman's terms it means while a person's getting whipped up, shit is going down around them. Yesterday, pathetic fallacy played out for real, a mix of high emotions and swirling garbage. It was the ultimate smackdown. Rob Ford versus Toronto City Council -- which was quickly followed by Rob Ford versus the world. Fordnado. ...
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