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Showing posts with the label musicals

Let's be Les Miserables together

Over dinner last night, I said something to Scott I believe he never thought he'd hear. "I'm going to learn French." What the what? I'm not doing it because I need it for a job. Though I do. I'm not doing it because somebody told me I had to do it. Hell, no! I'm doing it because I want to read Les Miserables in the language in which it is written. It was the same reason I wanted to learn Spanish, so that I could read Don Quixote in Spanish. I did read it in Spanish, but I read it very badly indeed, and I suppose the same will be true when I pick up Les Miserables , Victor Hugo's mammoth masterpiece that has become my recent obsession. I've never read it in English, so I'll do that first. I actually found a copy at Value Village a couple weeks back, nearly bought it, but saw it as an immense undertaking and put it back. I'm planning on returning to snatch it up; I don't think anybody will have taken it unless it's an Engli...