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Showing posts with the label summer games

Olympics 2012: How to stuff a wild bikini

As I rode the elliptical machine today, I had to admit to myself that I was suffering from Olympics fatigue. It's quite obvious from the coverage that Canadians are snow bunnies -- we medal but only really in bronze and some silver -- so most of the coverage surrounds athletes from other nations. I'm finding it hard to get up the energy to root for the Italians or the Chinese in sports that I don't care about. We have to suffer through hours and hours of coverage of non-Canadians in bikinis or tight tanks, girls with big bulgy muscles and mannish hands, dudes in cute and sparkly little outfits of blue and silver. Unlike the Winter Olympics, there is much gender confusion during the summer games -- a lot of the men and women are kind of interchangeable and you'd have a hard time figuring out their gender if they had their street clothes on. I'm also wondering if I'm the only person alive who thinks a lot of the sports played in the summer games are just p...