On January 28th, Bell Canada has invited us all to talk about mental illness. Why wait four days? Let's talk now. I'm sorry Ma Bell, but as I don't own one of your phones, I can't text on one, and therefore, I can't donate five cents for every text I send to the cause of fighting mental illness. Also can't contribute to your bottom line. Sorry. So I'll talk here, in this forum. First, let's start with your commercials. How much research went into your commercials because they are completely bogus. The first scenario, above, would never happen. First, that guy doesn't look depressed exactly. He looks like he might have lost his keys and is trying to make a mental note as to how to find them. Or maybe he missed his hockey game cause he slept in. In any event, if he were in a state of depression, he would not be sitting in front of a window with the blinds up with phone in front of him. He would be in bed, in the dark, so no one would ...
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