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Showing posts with the label trial

Jian Ghomeshi: Pee Wee's Playhouse

Embed from Getty Images And now back to the weird and wacky heads of Jian Ghomeshi. All I can say is, I'm glad I stopped dating before sexting became a thing. I was never good at it, the sexting thing. It always seemed silly to me. Ditto for dating websites that sound like Pit Bull videos. I was once a woman not unlike the ones who are taking the stand in the Ghomeshi trial. I was fairly successful at hooking up in younger years, and I met a few Ghomeshis. I encountered one or two who liked rough sex, playful rough sex, but I certainly never dated somebody who would punch me in the face. Truth be told, I was usually the one doing the punching if things got out of hand. I grew up with brothers who regularly beat the crap out of me, and I soon learned how to give it back. Really, I wish all women would learn defensive dating. It would save them a lot of grief. I can also relate to the letters, and emails. My early years were spent covering rock ban...

Jian Ghomeshi and the cult of celebrity

Embed from Getty Images I'm sure I'm not the only person who has been feeling uncomfortable over the coverage of the Jian Ghomeshi circus taking place in Toronto this week. It's hard to look away when somebody is being burned at the stake. It is so incredibly unfair, this trial. The women have done nothing wrong. Their only crime is that they had crushes on a celebrity whose favorite past time was to beat the shit out of women. He's the bad guy, but they are being judged and found wanting. What this trial is about is the cult of celebrity. It's about the abusers and the women who adore them. If Ghomeshi had been the guy at Walmart fluffing the bananas, not one of these women would look at him. If he was the kindly teacher, he'd be up on charges faster than Fat Albert could say, "Hey, Hey, Hey!" But he's a celebrity, a cute little gnome like creature with a sly smile, whose winks and nudges have made a lot of women and men w...