People in Ottawa should not throw stones when it comes to Toronto's mayoral woes. How can we forget? Ottawa had Mayor Larry O'Brien. Clandestine meetings at Timmy's. Lunches at Hy's with folks he shouldn't have been talking to. Nosestretchers so long they reached from the council chambers to Elgin Street. He, too, promised to be a mayor with a lock on the treasury. All we got was baldheaded madness with a ceremonial chain around his neck. We put up with his antics, then his court dates for months. It's true Larry O'Brien took a leave while he was hauled up on charges. But the stench permeated the city like a skunk under the porch. That's why we have Mayor Jim Watson now. He is stink-free. Ottawans learned their lesson with O'Brien. We understood we needed a mayor who preferred to have tea with little old ladies. A man whose only blemish was that he was a Cabinet Minister in Dalton McGuinty's government. But Jim Watson had/has no flies. T...
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