If an Oscar were handed out for best director of the Boston massacre it would not be handed to the terrorists at its epicentre. Nor would it be given to media who lined the streets of Boston and Watertown, presenting us with every morsel of truth or untruth. It wouldn't even be given to first responders who risked life and limb to take down the Brothers Tsarnaev. Nope. If there were an Oscar given for best director, it would be handed to the Internet which influenced absolutely every part of this horrible passion play. It all began with Tamerlan's web flirtation with terror and extremism. The Internet was the place he met and bonded with terror. It was the place he became a home cook, with recipes made from ball bearings and nails, all concocted in a pressure cooker the way Martha Stewart might make a pot roast. Once the horrible pot was stirred, and the bombs dropped, the World Wide Web spread the news of the unthinkable horror...
More than a million served!