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Showing posts with the label mayhem

Orlando shootings: Love is still the answer.

Embed from Getty Images One. That is the number of people I know who are missing and presumed dead. That one person is my cousin Ashley Simpson . Fifty is the number of dead at the hands of a deranged gunman in Orlando, Florida. Fifty-three is the number of wounded in that horrific act, a senseless rat-a-tat-ta of a man who wanted to kill people for no other reason than they chose different people to love. Regardless of whether we mourn the one or the many, we are living in a war zone, and waging a war against an evil we cannot defeat, an evil bred from the brain or the loins, an evil that has no respect for humanity. There is no difference between the ONE we are mourning and/or remembering and the 50/53. We are all fighting the same battle. We are all quietly weeping, feeling helpless against the rage of the beast the lies inside men and women who chose to kill, and maim and dismember. But we must remember. We are not helpless. We are powerful. And ou...