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Showing posts with the label moustaches

Movember Forever

My son Nick came up from his lair sporting a pair of unkempt side burns and some scruffy chin hair. He looked like Wolverine, if Wolverine were a short, glassy-eyed pot smoker and not Hugh Jackman. "Why don't you shave that off?" I pleaded. "Can't," he sniffed. "It's Movember. I'm doing it for Shyla's dad." "It's Movember," I retorted. "Not Sidevember or Chinvember." "I know, but I can't grow a moustache." And with that, he took himself and his bong back downstairs. In certain communities, it's Movember forever. Guys grow facial hair not to support cancer but to support their slacker lifestyle. They're too lazy to shave. Some can't wait for Movember when the boss says it's alright to sport any type of pube-style facial hair. Some, in fact, do raise money for prostate cancer research while the others claim they're movembering to raise awareness. I'm calling ...