Everyone who reads this space knows I love a good caper. I once asked Reform bon vivant and former Hill radio guy Ron Wood for his best caper story. It was years ago. "What about the time the chauffeurs misplaced three limos during the Gallery dinner?" And with that Ron took his leave. It was only today that Ron revealed to me what happened that fateful night. I'll let him tell it. It was the 1966 Press Gallery Dinner and I was there with another colleague from the Gallery who'd also gone dateless. We'd been to the Club for a few before hitting the cocktail reception and then the dinner. During the dinner, before dessert we went outside for some air and a smoke and there were four limousines parked at the west entrance to the West Block with no drivers in sight. I looked in one and the keys were in the ignition, another one was idling two more had keys in ignition. The drivers were inside being fed a meal in the basement somewhere. The idling car was d...
More than a million served!