Okay, so the picture didn't work out exactly as planned. There were no calls from TMZ. No trending on Twitter. Not even one comment. I showed it to Marissa, thought she'd be horrified. She just chuckled. I still think it's good to see pictures of yourself from afar, to see what others see when you accidentally forget to lower the blinds. Besides, I wanted to know what it feels like to have your privacy invaded by paps who intent on smearing your photo all over the tabloids. Now I know how Kirstie Alley feels. It reminds me that I have to discuss my breast reduction with the doctor today. Look at how dippy and slumpy my shoulders are from the over-the-shoulder-bolder-holders. Unfortunately, my naked blogging seems to have had a negative effect on my numbers which are the lowest they've been since I started blogging. Better take the picture down. I seem to be scaring away readers.
More than a million served!