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Showing posts with the label sun screen

The cancer diaries: I've earned this ear

This is my ear. Have a gander at it. It won't look like this for long. A surgeon is going to take a hunk out of it to get rid of an aggressive cancerous lump that's been growing there for years. I didn't notice it because I didn't know what basel carcinoma was. I just thought I had dermatitis. That's what the doctor said I had, too. Bad, bad doctor. Give me your medical licence. Hand it over, right now. I don't have dermatitis, or a bed sore. I have full blown cancerama. The good news is that there's an innovative technique being used here in Ottawa, called the Mohs Technique, which involves shaving and cutting off the cancer while a pathologist sits by and monitors the procedure. When the pathologist rules the cancer is gone, the surgeon stops. Holy shit! That is so cool. I'm still going to be missing part of my ear, which is not at all cool, but I'm okay with that. I could simply adopt a new hair style, join the Red Hats, or find s...