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Showing posts with the label grab your wallet

Charlottesville: The War Has Come to Us

I was looking at this little face yesterday, the face that always makes me smile and laugh, and I felt that the world has let her down. Her great-grandfather and his brothers volunteered, more than 60 years ago, to go to war to protect the world from a hateful movement that sprang up an ocean away. I wonder today if my kids would follow their grandfather's lead if needed? Or would they say: why should we get involved? It's not our battle. As I watched CNN this morning, while she played quietly in the corner, and the horrifying images from Charlottesville kept repeating on a loop, I couldn't help but think that we haven't been paying attention.  President 45 -- I will not write his name -- said it best. "What you think our country is so innocent?" My dad went to war to keep hate from spreading. But that effort was just a bandaid on a tumor that has just grown larger and larger under our watch. The cancer of hate has spread. And...