Perimenopause was a bitch for me. Let's recap. For ten years, I had to wear a diaper-sized pad to keep me from wetting my pants. I couldn't walk down the street without getting dizzy. I developed such crushing panic attacks I had to quit my job, after which I rarely left home. I became paranoid. I gained twenty pounds and my boobs grew to the size of footballs. Then I hit menopause and it all went away. That's when I developed hot flashes, the ones that have plagued me for five years now. And yet...not once did a doctor give me a cure for what ailed me. That's because, during my "time", hormone replacement therapy became a nasty phrase. And that's because a big study came out which linked HRT with rising rates of breast cancer. Today, I read about another longitudinal study which has dismissed the previous study. HRT is now apparently great for women at my age and stage. As Adam Sandler once said: "You could have told me that yesterday ...
More than a million served!