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Showing posts with the label suits

Suit up

Because I work at home, I have a modest wardrobe. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hanging around here in my jammies all day. I get up first thing, and go to the gym, so I'm often meandering around in nylon and lycra or yoga pants for much of the day. Otherwise, my current fashion choices include capri pants, same ones in five different colors, two pairs of black jeans and two pairs of cotton shorts I bought at Addition Elle about ten years ago. The buggers never wear out. But I do have a closet full of $1,000 suits which I've taken with me to three houses. There is the cashmere and wool suit that Mr. Big bought me when I was pregnant back in the eighties. He bought it at the Hotel Vancouver; I looked at the label today and the label says "Nonesuch, Hotel Vancouver lobby". Really. I have another suit purchased in my PMO days at a place in Ottawa called O'Shea's Market Ireland. It's an Irish walking suit with a long car coat and tailored sk...