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Showing posts with the label Rocky and Bullwinkle

Sophie: The Flying Sqvirrel

I don't know how she did it, but Sophie the Pug got up on the table, traversed the countertop and dropped the recyle bin onto the floor this morning. We've taken all the chairs away and anything she can use as a platform but she still manages to get on the counters. She steals things. We find cutlery under the couch and Gordie's thyroid pills in her bed. I hope she isn't thinking of becoming an endocrine addict. Sophie and Finnigan are starting to remind me of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Sophie is the hyperactive flying squirrel with the high pitched bark. Finnigan is the dumb accessory-after-the-fact. I guess that means Gordon J. Blackstone is Boris And I'm Natasha. I can't imagine what Finn and Sophie would do if we left them together alone. The food fight in Animal House comes to mind. For that reason, leaving the house involves sequestering Finnigan who is now so big he can put his chin on the counter. He can't be trusted to be left a...