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Showing posts with the label behaviour issues

At Home with a Serial Killer

It's been seven months since the last time we saved Sophie the Pug from the jaws of Pearl the Aussie Shepherd after they got into a fight to the death in the backyard. Scott and I still have scars from these battles, hard won scars that we got trying to tear Pearl's razor sharp teeth from Sophie's neck. Last November, we hired a dog trainer who came highly recommended. He gave us some really great tips, and promised us that the dog fights would end with a bit of intensive training. I'd like to say his advice worked. I'd like to say that my dogs now sit quietly by my side, and eat calmly, that they play tug-of-war and sleep between us. That is not our reality. Our reality is that Sophie and Pearl will never, ever be friends, or even frenemies. The truth is that they cannot be in the same room together unless tethered in some way. It's not just Pearl, by the way. Sophie is also an instigator. Early this spring, Scott let Sophie loose in the yard while...