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Showing posts with the label Favorite Things

Welcome to Ottawa: The Grand Ole Oprah

  I'm not sure who is more excited to see Oprah -- Graham Richardson or Jim Watson. They were both gushing about her on the news yesterday. Our metrosexual mayor was even proudly showing off a Sens jersey with a big O on it. Looked like a big fat zero to me. The stories in the media are completely over the top this morning. Twitter is, well, atwitter, with news that a group of "foreskin" activists are planning to protest her visit because at one point, she supported a cosmetic company that used baby foreskins to create cosmetics. Ewww. This story appears to be somewhat bogus. While the company has admitted that baby penis cast off cells were used in the original research, it states in a press release that it does not use them in the cream itself . They were being used as some kind of plumping agent, perhaps. Ewww. I'm not too concerned about this story, as I am Pro foreskin removal. I had both my boys' chopped off. I have no use for foreskin. A...