Embed from Getty Images Unlike most British shows, Downton Abbey has been fun for the whole family. There aren't boobs flying everywhere, no tossing of the salad, no rogering the help from behind. There are no EastEnders sucking down warm beer whilst on the dole. Everything is respectable in Downton. People get dressed for dinner. They eat with the good china. Even the downstairs help is allowed to dip into Lord Grantham's reserved cellar for a tipple. The writing is fabulous, the dialogue flawless. Why should we care about the lazy plot points? Or its total lack of continuity? The stuff doesn't make any sense. Like Into the Woods. Questions remain. ...There was much made about the illegitimate daughter of Edith, a child named Marigold. Yet the only children seen in the finale were George and Sibby. Is Marigold locked up somewhere? Has she been stolen by the farmer's wife? ...At the beginning of the episode, Anna Bates was roughly eight...
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