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Showing posts with the label Downton Abbey

Goodbye Downton Abbey: Are you really finished?

Embed from Getty Images Unlike most British shows, Downton Abbey has been fun for the whole family. There aren't boobs flying everywhere, no tossing of the salad, no rogering the help from behind. There are no EastEnders sucking down warm beer whilst on the dole. Everything is respectable in Downton. People get dressed for dinner. They eat with the good china. Even the downstairs help is allowed to dip into Lord Grantham's reserved cellar for a tipple. The writing is fabulous, the dialogue flawless. Why should we care about the lazy plot points? Or its total lack of continuity? The stuff doesn't make any sense. Like Into the Woods. Questions remain. ...There was much made about the illegitimate daughter of Edith, a child named Marigold. Yet the only children seen in the finale were George and Sibby. Is Marigold locked up somewhere? Has she been stolen by the farmer's wife? ...At the beginning of the episode, Anna Bates was roughly eight...

Downton Abbey: A few bangers and a lot of mash

Embed from Getty Images I'm scratching my head about the popularity of Downton Abbey. And yet I look forward to it each and every week. Even though nothing ever happens. Not really. There are hints of a juicy steak, but all we see is day old hamburger. Let me give you a couple of examples. The dog gets sick. Lord Grantham looks at the dog, and says something to the effect that "I don't think he's going to make it." Cut to the dog laying on the floor. Lord Grantham takes him to bed. He is never mentioned again. Yet he is still in the opening credits. Now Lord Grantham has a new dog. Problem solved. So it was like Julian Fellowes says, "I have an idea. Nothing is happening, so let's kill the dog." The end. Cora meets an art patron who comes to her room and tries to nail her. Lord Grantham comes in and slugs the guy. He broods til the end of the show. Then everything is back to normal. Edith gets pregnant and goes away. Nobody...

Downton Abbey: The festering boil on Public Television

Tonight is the season finale of Downton Abbey, the show everybody else is watching who doesn't have Netflix. Like most people who adore public television, I have been a loyal subject, though I admit to be getting a tich weary of its meanderings, not to mention the colors teal and mauve. Surely, the wealthy at the turn of the century could have afforded a little pig's blood. Anyway, this season has become a bit ridiculous, not like the shocker from the previous season which involved the expedition of three characters, the result of contract disputes or boredom. Downton is becoming a tired soap opera of church bazaars, endless, faceless and uninteresting suitors and agrarian discussions. Should Downton diversify from sheep to pigs? Should the pudding be fig or bread? It's all getting so pedestrian, what with all the milling, drinking and eating. And standing. In tails. And smoking. Even Maggie Smith can't save Downton Abbey , though she certain...

Downton Abbey: Upstairs or Down?

Spoiler Sport Alert! When Scott got home from not selling cars last night, we decided to finish off the Christmas liquor, watch Jimmy Kimmel Live  and have a discussion about Downton Abbey . We were discussing Downton , not watching it, because I have sworn an oath not to rent it and watch it on me own, although I did watch Return to Downton Abbey which wasn't the smartest move given I'm only on episode four of Season Three and now I know three of the characters aren't coming back. Of course, I already knew this because I watched The Damned View the other day and all of this was revealed. I don't really care as I wasn't very attached to Matthew, whom I found to be rather wimpy and stupid. I mean, what aristocrat wouldn't take Livinia's money? A rather bad aristocrat, Lord Grantham would have said. I didn't like Mrs. O'Brien either, though I did like Sybil. She was a bit of a spit and polish, just like her grannies. Childbirth is an awfully...