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Showing posts with the label professor

Carl Mollins: Renaissance Man

photo by Dora Maus Carl Mollins was one of the greatest reporters who ever set foot on Parliament Hill, or in any news bureau for that matter, but you'd never know it if you had him as a journalism professor. "I'm not sure why you bothered to take this class," he told us on the first day of our Carleton University fourth year political reporting lecture. "Oh well, you're here now." Then he began to drop phone book sized copies of the Government of Canada Part Three Spending Estimates on the table in front of us. "Your first assignment is to find a story in this." And he chuckled. That was Carl's Way. He wanted to make sure we knew that a side of Parliament Hill baloney was best served over-cooked and cold. This was no ant's picnic; it was bloody hard work combing through the lies, half truths and secrets that abounded on the Hill. And it was boring spending hours at committees and hearings that left us asking, "Whe...