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Showing posts with the label car sales

Benefits are the new business cards

I have a phobia about business cards. Every time, I get business cards, something terrible happens. I get sacked. Or my business folds. So I started refusing to use them. I also don't go on vacation. Again, whenever I do, something terrible happens. I once worked for a political party and decided to take a much needed vacay to Jamaica (jus cool!). When I came back, I noticed I'd been turned down for a VISA card. The next day, I found out why. There was a new sheriff in town who handed me my walking stick. Another time, I went on vacation with my husband and over dinner, he told me he was cheating on me with an old girlfriend. A few months later, he took me to England and left me in the airport to fly to Bermuda into the waiting arms of the woman I now refer to as the White Witch of Bermuda. My step-son called it Rose's Goodbye Tour. Hah. So I don't travel anymore. Don't get me wrong, I trust this husband. But I'm afraid he might be eaten by sharks or k...

My husband has a job: No more video games!

Scott has been out of work for four months. He quit his job because going there made him throw up in his mouth. For four months, he's been job-hunting. Nothing in his field. No call backs, not even from McDonald's. Yesterday, he decided to go back to doing what he's been doing for the past four years. Selling cars. He sent his resume out. He got 15 call backs in less than two hours. Got 15 job interviews. Will start his new job on Saturday. Yay! The man needs a job. He hijacked my television for four months. Played video games incessantly. Chewed my ear off. I now have my television back. No more listening/watching to men with bad English accents, in questionable attire, offing monsters. No more buying groceries with Air Miles from the liquor store. There is peace in my time. Groceries in my belly. To celebrate, here's a video I think you'll enjoy. I'll give you a cookie if you watch it all the way through. Two if you figure it out.  ...

Attention Sun Media lay off victims: Steel toed shoes on sale at Walmart

If you're looking for a good deal on a car, don't call my husband. He's finally given up on being that super-successful car guy, the one who brings in $70,000 a year by ripping off consumers. I've never met a car saleman who makes $70k -- most of the really, really successful guys make $40k tops. I've also never met a consumer who knew that. Most people think that car salesmen are lining their pockets with gold, hence they try to get brand new cars for $10,000 taxes in. It's a ridiculous business, a pyramid scheme where the dealers and managers cut the commission down to the bare bones just so they can meet their quota and keep their dealership licence. These same owners and managers make tonnes of money because they take a cut from all the sales guys who sometimes make barely enough money to cover their gas and a Tim Horton's coffee. Like my husband. We had one month recently in which Scott brought home $1,200 for working long days and weekends. ...