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Showing posts with the label PVRs

Rogers Cable sucks

I was so pissed off at Rogers yesterday, I nearly hurled my iPhone into the toilet. We pay a small fortune every month to the heirs of Ted Rogers only to be offered inferior services. Yesterday was the last straw and I called to complain. I had set my PVR to record several programs and when I went to watch them, they weren't there. Most of the shows I watch aren't offered on the lame TV OnDemand service, which only carries a limited variety of prime time shows -- and not even all the episodes! So my recordings were gone forever. Anyway, what really pissed me off was that we'd taken our PVR back last week for exchange because it was showing everything I recorded in slow motion, and in PINK. This past year, we've had to return our PVRs four times because CISCO doesn't know how to make a PVR that works when you switch channels quickly. Pieces of shit. So I called Rogers and got the usual run around. Could I unplug it? Maybe it's my cable. Maybe it...