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Showing posts with the label Grand Theft Auto

If boomers had Facebook nothing would have gotten done

If Facebook and Twitter had been invented when we were teenagers, nothing would ever have gotten done. It is true, we were the first generation of kids raised around the television. But we weren't glued to it. That's because there wasn't as much on television back then except for games shows and soap operas. And cartoons but only on Saturday mornings. Besides, our moms were hard asses who kicked us out of the house. We didn't care because we didn't have air-conditioning. When we were old enough to work, we got jobs. On the farm, we picked berries and bailed hay. In the city, kids had paper routes. The lack of recreational options made us more creative with our spare time. Some of us became activists railing against war and racism and injustice. Others became builders and philanthropists. Still others channeled their energy into creating business and growing wealth. The rest just became drunks. The world would not be nearly as interesting today if we'...