#477196997 / gettyimages.com Christopher Hitchens, the late gasbag contrarian wrote at least twice in Vanity Fair that women aren't funny. Joan Rivers might have suggested that perhaps Hitchens water-board himself one more time. Maybe the next time it would take. She didn't say that. I just did. But I said it because of Joan Rivers, the patron saint of sassy-assed women everywhere. Sure there were foamy-mouthed dames before Joan. Mae West. Totie Fields. But nobody did it as long and as well as our Joan. She set the bar and kicked it over a few times. I learned how to be funny because of Joan Rivers. I learned the smart comeback, honed the ability to cut down a stupid man about eight inches with a flick of the tongue, to demolish the swells, and to show the beautiful broads that, after all, their shit does stink. The high road? Come on. How is the high road funny? If you haven't got something good to say about anybody, sit next to me. Joan didn't ...
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