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To my husband on his 14th birthday

Scott turns 14 tomorrow. He doesn't look a day over 45. He's pretty big for his age, standing six foot two and he can drink any 16 year old under the table. And he has a lot of experience in other areas we won't get into. Scott was born on Leap Day, induced by a chain smoking, hard living family doctor who wanted to get away for a golfing vacay a few days early. He was born in the deep chill of St. Boniface, Manitoba to Margaret and Warner Troyer, the second son of, oh, thousands. It's always delighted Scott that he had a special birthday, one that only comes around every four years, so I'm feeling the need to plan something special for the occasion. Sure on Friday, there'll be much beer drinking, oh yes there will, when we gather at Liam McGuire's with some friendly faces. But tomorrow, we must plan something unique, in line with his official status as 14-year-old. Here's what I'm thinking. 9 a.m. Breakfast at McDonald's, something...