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Showing posts with the label germaine greer

Lean in or Lean back

From her privileged perch atop the Facebook empire, Sheryl Sandberg is pulling an Oprah. She's asking working women to Lean In , in her words, to her own brand of consciousness raising. According to the New York Times , she wants ambitious females to devote precious hours in their weekly schedule "to absorb the social science showing they are judged more harshly and paid less than men; resist slowing down in mere anticipation of having children; insist that their husbands split housework equally; draft short- and long-term career plans; and join a “Lean In Circle,” which is half business school and half book club." This sounds absolutely exhausting. I watched Sandberg explain her vision on Katie yesterday. She took us through her own heroic struggle to have it all. She told us that it is possible to have a nice family, double degrees and rise to the top like so much silken cream. It is possible, she said. Just do what I say and it will happen . Seems to m...