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James Purefoy cares about me: Ricky Gervais, not so much

@ rosalita54 Maybe.... Maybe not.. — James Purefoy (@JamesPurefoy) April 9, 2013 Okay, okay. I may be an old broad but I still get excited when I get a nice Tweet from a cool actor. James Purefoy, the star of The Following , had just wrapped the season and tweeted about it. The Following is a must see for anyone who loves serial killers, especially hot ones, which are in short supply these days. Purefoy's character, Joe Carroll, is a sinister killer, in the tradition of Charles Manson, who has a cult following of cops, nannies and fauxmosexuals. He's terrific in the role. I sent him this Tweet and he was nice enough to reply. Thanks JP. You rock. I'm still waiting to hear from Ricky Gervais, another Brit. He never writes back to me, ever. A self-professed athiest, Ricky only replies to hate Tweets from Godseekers. Apparently.