Embed from Getty Images In desperate need of a new winter coat, I walked into the Hudson's Bay Company today because the store had a great sale. I looked through all the Calvin Klein and London Fog coats, all deliciously marked down by 50 or 75 percent and I was about to take out my grand new charge card, when something caught my eye. Over in the corner, in the designer section, there was a display of tunic dresses that looked very familiar. I thought I recognized one from the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States. But of course, I was mistaken. Ivanka Trump wouldn't actually wear one of these reasonably priced dresses that were on display. She just feigns to sell them to the plebes. I put back the coat I had chosen, and headed for Sears where I bought myself a sensible parka. Sure, I liked the coats at the Bay better, but I couldn't support the Trump brand. I have vowed never to contribute one dime to that hateful man...
More than a million served!