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Showing posts with the label conrad murray

2011: Doucebag of the year

I was struck today by a story in the Globe and Mail about a thief who cleaned out a little old lady, taking her television, her computer and her husband's ashes. Apparently, there have been three such ash robberies in Vancouver in the past few weeks. The douche bag who did this is right up there with criminals who steal from the Salvation Army and the dude who took hostage the widow of a recently slain police officer. Idiots. Assholes. Dog poop on the shoe of life. These folks are card carrying members of the Douche Bag Club, they are individuals who are so despicable that they deserve to be thrown out with the trash. It seems you can't turn around without hitting a douche bag with your purse. They are everywhere. They are Prime Ministers, Republican leadership contenders and tax collectors. They sell your teenager drugs and knock up your daughters. Anderson Cooper had a story in the fall about a bunch of kids on a thieving rampage who stole a frozen turkey fro...