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Showing posts with the label summer

Sunny Days

This winter reminds me of days of yore, when we Canadians were still slipping and sliding in spring. We were tough back then. Walked a hundred miles to the one room school house. Played shinny on the pond even though sometimes we fell through. Drank from stubbies and rolled our own. Then came the greenhouse effect. Suddenly, we were barbecuing in January. So I'm a little glad that the good old days have returned. So much for the greenhouse effect. Here. Not so much in the U.S. where God is once again using her mystical sense of humor to turn farms into parking lots and trailers into tin cans. Vicious. She must be really pissed off. My condolences on your trailers. Seriously. But I am here, sipping my Chai with the dogs at my feet. I'm wearing shorts, too. I'm not worried. Sure it's snowing outside. But it will be 30 degrees and summer next Wednesday. In the meantime, here's a good old fashioned Canadian musical interlude from DJ Rosalita to get ...