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Showing posts with the label Marjory LeBreton

Heaving bodices, geriatric meanderings. Gotta love the Senate!

Photo courtesy of (naypong) Yesterday was the perfect day to be sick in Ottawa. As I lay prone on the couch, clutching the recently spayed pug Sophie to my chest lest the evil Finnigan break her stitches, I was able to distract myself with some good television, some very good television indeed. First came Question Period, with Tom Mulcair giving a masterclass on interrogation. "Will the Prime Minister?" "When did the Prime Minister?" "With whom did the Prime Minister?" He was really getting Harper's goat. You could almost see the red rising in the Prime Minister's cheeks. You couldn't really. By the look of him, Harper has been undead for some time, hidden away in the bowels of a boat headed back and forth to Europe in a quest for some very fine wine and cheese to ply the voters of Brandon Souris. Harper was clearly pissed at that little nugget Mike Duffy who has been delighting the rest of us with his tale...

Marjory LeBreton: Who you calling a licksplittle?

Stephen Harper would do well to tell Senator Marjory LeBreton to zip it. Instead of giving Canadians some useful information yesterday, she took the time to lambast other parties and what she called "media lickspittles" for asking legitimate questions about the Senate expenses fiasco. This is vintage Marjory, herself a quintessential "lickspittle" or toadie mouthpiece. LeBreton is well known as a hyper-partisan having polished the toenails of Tory leaders since before Brian Mulroney was pocketing Shrieber money. Essentially, the good Senator has been on the public dole since 1984 -- that's thirty years -- and she's got another few to go, suckling at the public tit either as a patronage princess dispensing goodies to Conservatives across the land or as a publically-paid apologist for Tories everywhere. Yesterday, she was showing her partisan thong accusing people who are paid to question the government of being biased towards the opposition. I can tell...