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Showing posts with the label furniture

Eating Weiners and Beans off the Fine China

We've been through a terrible few months with Scott changing jobs three times, and with my work prospects going into the tanker. Things are getting slightly better: we've hopefully resolved a long-standing tax dispute, Scott is back to work at a nicer dealership with some prospects of getting back to his own field working in television, and my employer has finally assured me that my job is safe -- for now. Not only that, but both of us are within striking distance of the Canada Pension Plan, our debts will all be paid off by the fall, there is no prospect of doggie death (cross all Milk Bones) and my friend Jennette has been given good prospects on her cancer recovery. It's not exactly smooth sailing but we're getting there. We should be excited. As the saying goes, "we been down so long it looks like up to us." But there's another side to the story. When a family has been experiencing massive economic uncertainty and upheaval, its members are...