Embed from Getty Images Scott and I were sitting around a couple of nights ago planning our funerals -- as one does on a beautiful summer night. Actually, we were in a money management meeting in the backyard, eating tapas and drinking. We have those now and again to make sure that we have enough money to live out the rest of our days, and leave enough to dispatch our asses so the kids don't have to pass the hat. Me, I could care less. Might as well sweep me to the curb but not everybody thinks that way. We don't have a lot of expenses but we do have to budget for home and car repairs, vet bills, and so on. I'm hoping to have a little dental work done, and maybe replace the carpets after the unfortunate pet incidents involving seizures, mouth foam, urine and feces. But I also want to make sure that death is covered. I don't worry about taxes because, in the last few years, I haven't made enough money to pay taxes. I applied for the Canada Pension Plan w...
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