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Showing posts with the label Judy Wilson-Raybould

Forget Lavalin: How About a Juicy Sex Scandal?

Embed from Getty Images I was teaching my puppy, Viggo, to pee outside yesterday when a man motioned to me to come to the fence. He introduced himself as the local Conservative candidate and asked if he could count on my vote. Wiping the pee from my hand, I extended it, and he handed me a pamphlet, my first in the run-up to next fall's federal election. Poor fellow. Who convinced him to run against the McGuinty Dynasty in Ottawa South? I felt sorry for him, so I decided to allot him five minutes of windbaggery. Clearly he hadn't realized to whom he was speaking. Fly meet spider. "What's your climate plan?" I asked. A smile spread on his Cheshire mug, and he began to extol the virtues of his party's plan to cut The Dreaded Carbon Tax. "I've been hearing from your neighbours that many people detest the Trudeau Tax," he began. Given the fact my house is surrounded by crackheads and cranky pensioners, I have no doubt. I also have no ...