The computer wars continue today. On Saturday, my trusty computer -- the one Nick built -- died a horrible death. Just wouldn't turn on. Not even when we fed it carrots. So Sunday, I whipped out my backup HP, the sluggish one that had been sitting in the closet for about a year. It chugged and spattered, whirled and wimpered, long enough for me to complete several days of work that had piled up. Then, in mid-interview transcript, it put itself on life support. Just like that. Yesterday, I pulled the plug. That left me with the HP laptop Scott had bought me in the summer, the one I am writing on now, which I have been using exclusively for blogging and adding nasty comments to CTV Ottawa web stories. I bought it out of the box at one of those Future Shop near giveaways and it worked perfectly fine, except for one slight problem. It had no software. It came with the bare bones, Mickey Mouse little programs that I never use, games I never play, and ads for se...
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