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Showing posts with the label Hallowe'en

This is why I self-medicate

Tired of hearing about my exercise and diet regime yet? Well, go find something else to read. What do you expect from an obsessive-compulsive ADD girl anyway? It's hard for people like me to commit, but when we do, we go all in. Today, I started the day with a mushroom egg omelette and a trip to the gymnasty. Right now, I'm drinking a 90 calorie vanilla almond latte which tastes EXACTLY like a Tim Horton's double double. I shit you not. Then I'll do housework after which Scott will return home to barbecue some lovely beef tournedos I picked up at Farm Boy today. We'll have that with a tomato salad littered with bocconcini pearls and red onions and maybe we'll have a nice slaw. That's right baby, I'm turning into Martha Fucking Stewart. Deal! Oops, I forgot about lunch. Can't forget about lunch! I'm trying to decide between a sweet potato and chicken stew or a bowl of chili. Maybe a stir fry? Why the choice? I've been cooking all ...