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Showing posts with the label lookism

Lookism? Beware of the smuggly

In today's Globe and Mail , the activist Naomi Wolf describes a business climate that is rife with discrimination based on how people look. She calls this lookism. In a nutshell, Wolf makes the argument that how a person looks affects his or her climb up the ladder -- or not. Why, she asks, must the media riff on Angela Merkel's wrinkly cleavage or Hillary Clinton's cankles? They don't take Newt Gingrich down for his pottiness or mock Ben Bernanke for his weird facial hair. I don't agree. I think lots of people laugh at Gingrich, if only for having such a stupid name. I do agree that there is a double standard. But it's not the double standard that Wolf is talking about. The double standard has to do with smart ugly men, or smugglies. An ugly teenaged boy with a pizza face and no pecular activity whatsoever might get teased. But if he's smart in a book learnin' sense, he will go to university, take advantage of that nerdiness and excel. While gu...