"You finally got rid of all the kids," my landlord said. "Why on Earth do you want three dogs?" ...At my age. He almost said it, stopped short of insulting me in my own backyard. I shrugged. "I'm here by myself," I explained. "I like the company." What I wanted to say was that I prefer the company of dogs to landlords who come around every bleeding day in the summer, and hammer while my husband is sleeping off his shift work. Like the dogs, there's no point talking to Doug. Scott asked him not to come over on my birthday, and he showed up with his girlfriend and chatted up my entire family over the fence. Doug is like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz -- tall, made of straw, and with few brains. He doesn't have any kids or dogs. He is, it seems, allergic to anything with a heart. The next time Doug encountered my dogs, he found himself pinned to a wall with Viggo, the Chocolate Lab, licking his ears, ...
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