Could you qualify for a seat in the Canadian Senate? Take the following standard psychological test. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Be honest! 1. I can be very smooth, engaging, charming and slick. 2. I can be very self-assured, opinionated, even a braggart. 3. I can be shrewd, crafty, sly and clever. I can also be deceptive, unscrupulous, underhanded, manipulative and dishonest. 4. In my life, I have repeatedly used deceit and deception to cheat, con or defraud others for my personal gain. 5. I often don't feel much concern for possible losses or suffering of persons I leave behind. 6. If something goes wrong, I rarely take full responsiblity but tend to manipulate or put the blame on others to divert from my own failures. 7. At times, I feel the need for novel, thrilling and exciting stimulation. This might result in me taking chances that are risky. 8. I have made significant amounts of money by intentionally exploiting or manipulati...
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