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Showing posts with the label deficits

Dear taxpayer. Thank you for your letter. We misplaced it. Love Canada Post

As usual, I spent part of the morning pouring over the online want ads looking for a job. Once in a great while, one jumps out for which I might actually be qualified.  It's not often, given my lack of bilingualism and absence of a nuclear level security clearance. But I'm not giving up. I need to buy dog food. One caught my eye this morning. Canada Post was looking for a writer for its correspondence division. Ah, I thought. I can do that. I spent some time working in the Prime Minister's Office answering correspondence back during the short term tenure of John Turner's government. I'd been working as a writer in Pierre Trudeau's PMO, so the correspondence gig was a bit of a demotion. Instead of writing lofty briefing notes for MPs, I would be lending my ear to the gripes of a nation thoroughly pissed off at the Liberals, particularly Westerners who hated The National Energy Program and Trudeau's distain for the common people. But in politics, so...