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Showing posts with the label postal workers

Canada Post! Off with your head!

I did a piece of work a few weeks back for a client in Vancouver, and she immediately issued a cheque. I got my payment eight days later. It's what I've come to expect from Canada Post; anything that's mailed from the left coast takes more than a week to get here. It also takes four days to get a piece of mail from Toronto. I don't use Canada Post anymore. I haven't bought a stamp in five years and I'm certainly not intending on buying one single sticky stamp in the future if I can help it, particularly when it costs a buck to mail a letter now. If I need to do some print communications locally -- like income tax -- I usually get in the car and deliver the thing myself. I know how to get from Point A to Point B and I know how long it takes. My bills are paid over the Internet. Even most of my clients pay by electronic transfer. I don't think I'm alone here. So the announcement last week that Canada Post was ending urban mail delivery came as no s...