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Showing posts with the label standard broadcast

Where did Fred Ennis go exactly?

Like a lot of people, I grew up listening to the bombastic Fred Ennis on the radio. He was loud, he was colorful, he was confident, as evidenced by his tag  line, "And I'm Fred Ennis." (And you're not!) After I came to Ottawa, I was excited to see him ambling around the National Press Club, beer in hand. With his red hair, and burnt complexion, he looked like a Disney character, maybe somebody you would see in a period piece clutching a flagon of mead, eating a turkey drumstick. But he was nice, sweet, charming, always grinning, quick with a joke. My first personal encounter with the guy was in the games room at the club, where he invited me to sit down with another hero of mine, Craig Oliver. I couldn't believe it. I was sitting with a couple of icons, listening to their take on the issues of the day. There I was, a little journalism student, taking it all in. It was one of the great things about the Press Club. I don't miss the drunken after...