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Showing posts with the label freebies

Millhouse takes Manhattan

Yesterday, Mayor Jim Watson met with his counterpart -- that's a laugh -- Mayor Bloomberg in the Big Apple to settle a bet. Millhouse brought Bloomberg some Beavertails to settle a hockey bet. The Sens lost, so Millhouse had to fly to NYC to personally meet with the mayor. Isn't that rich? I certainly hope the Ottawa Senators are paying for this trip. I'm sure Millhouse appreciated a little vacay from his problems: LRT, Lansdowne Dead, his fight with the good people at the Lord Elgin Hotel. Maybe he took a tour of New York to see how they handle their transit issues. Maybe he got a rub down at the Four Seasons. Perhaps he took in a play. Does anybody else find this whole thing offensive? We don't pay our Mayor to go to New York City to play tummysticks with their politicians. We pay him to stay home and sit through boring meetings and cut ribbons. I certainly hope that Millhouse takes yesterday as a vacation day. Who's with me? Update: Accordi...