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Showing posts with the label billy crystal

The Bitch on the Oscars

Maybe it was the wine, but I had a good time watching the Oscars last night. Not because of the show, which pretty much blew as usual. I found it entertaining because of what E! put in its disclaimer. We're live, so anything can happen. Viewer discretion is advised. Better to be live than dead. The night got off to a good start when Sasha Baron Cohen dressed in character to promote his film, The Dictator , stumbled and dumped an urn of ashes on Ryan Seacrest. The ashes were supposed to be North Korean's Kim Jong -- not the remnants of the last five winners of American Idol . Or Dick Clark for that matter. Then we got to watch Jennifer Lopez accidentally slip a nip. It wasn't much of a slip, as far as I could see but it created quite a buzz on Twitter. I mean the dress didn't leave much to the imagination to begin with. But guys like Michael Douglas need something to live for, right? And the cherry on top was when that that old hasbeen Sean Young got ...

Fear and loathing at the Oscars

I don't know about you, but I'm already sick of the Oscars. Brad and Angie. George and the girl wrestler. All those stupid movies about Paris. Silent. Black and white. Who the hell cares? Scott and I watched The Tree of Life last night and I found it ridiculous. It was like tuning into a period piece only to be interrupted by the Discovery Channel. And it's been nominated for about a gazillion awards! Just so Brad and Sean Penn could get paid handsomely for what amounts to a couple of lame cameos. Sheesh. I am looking forward to Billy Crystal. Hopefully, he can save this barfest. The whole preoccupation with George Clooney and Brad Pitt puzzles me. Sure, they're okay looking, but they would make any movie made in 3D look 2D, they are so non-dimensional. Some people call these nuanced performances. I say these two guys phone in their performances. The Artist is about to win Best Picture yet it hasn't been able to translate into ticket sales. ...