On this beautiful Easter morning, I sent Scott out for a breakfast of Kettlemans bagels, smoked salmon, full fat cream cheese and shallots. Yum! There's nothing that says fresh better than Kettleman bagels right out of the oven, served up by a cranky baker, piled high in a brown paper bag and eaten while still hot. We used to savor these bagels every Sunday, but now they are reserved only for special occasions. Wouldn't want to eat too much fat or white flour, right? I had forgotten how good this kind of food tastes. I rarely allow myself a feed of anything involving white flour, sugar or frustose corn syrup anymore in my effort to watch my weight. But oh, how I miss the way the smoke salmon melts on my tongue while the crunch of the sweet bagel assaults my ears. Most days, I hear Peggy Lee. Is that is there is? Time was we would spend our Sundays over a hearty breakfast while snacking on a hefty pile of newspapers. These days, I'm find myself downing a prote...
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