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Showing posts with the label New Kids on the Block

Harper Government doesn't want kids to listen to New Kids on the Block!!! Pass It On

Over 30 days without a day off could not stop us.No voice couldn't stop us.Immigration, on the other hand, has forced us into a day off! — Donnie Wahlberg (@DonnieWahlberg) June 4, 2013 As if the Herpes government hasn't done enough to piss off Canadians, today it was announced that the New Kids on the Block have had to postpone their trip to Ottawa because of The Herpes Government's immigration department. It seems that The Herpes Government has a whole new group of Canadians who will detest them. My daughter and her friends were "over the moon" as she put it because Donnie Wahlberg and his weinerfest were going to serenade them. Now she's going to have to wait one more sleep to see the boys and their friends. Showing up a day late, the NKOB make Justin Bieber look positively early. RISE UP! The Herpes Government Doesn't Want You To Listen to This Music!!!!  

The Majic 100 Team: Pew Kids on the Block

I'm sure the Majic 100 Morning Team had a ball making this video. But do they have the right to inflict it on us? What happens on radio should stay on radio. I don't want to see this on television when I'm eating my dinner. This one is bad enough.