Scott chose Finnigan from a dysfunctional litter. His mother was a Bernese Mountain Dog, purebred. His father came from unknown lineage. Papa was a rolling stone. He rolled into Finn's mother's yard, did the deed and escaped without offering any child support. Finn may look and smell like a Labrador Retriever, but undoubtedly, there is something else in there. The vet thought Daddy might have been a Great Dane. Still, his offspring masquerades as a Black Lab. And he's good at it. It's always hard to pick from a litter. I mean, all puppies are cute, right? Finn made a good impression. He nuzzled Scott's hand and licked him all over. Clearly, he was far superior to his brother who spent our visit chewing wires on the tractor. Finn, on the other hand, seemed sweet and loving. That was until he got in the car and promptly puked all over Marissa. Since adopting him four and a half years ago, we have had many names for him. Idiot. Asshole. F!@kh...
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