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Showing posts with the label red wine.

Put the "me" into perimenopause

I saw a concerning post from Jenny Lawson, better known as The Bloggess, this morning. "After a long night of ambulances and hospitals, it wasn't a heart attack," she wrote. "They don't know what it was." Her story is similar to that of Shyla's mom who has been a frequent flyer these days at one of the local hospitals. She, too, was convinced she was having a heart attack. Jenny famously suffers from anxiety. Ditto Angie. While Jenny is young, Angie is not-that-young. Both got the same answer from medical professionals. Dunno. Secretly, the medpros are calling it as they see it, "whack job," "middle age crazy", "hypochondriac", "hysteric". That's because what medical professionals know about wimmen could fit in a box of Tic Tacs. What's interesting is that, as suddenly as the symptoms appear, they vanish, at say around 55. I know. I suffered for ten years with debilitating panic, heart palpi...