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Showing posts with the label elections

The Ontario Election: Ready, set, yawn

#165505423 / A lot of you have been waiting for the Liberal government to fall and the election to commence. Some of you. A few of you. Okay, anybody who belongs to a political party other than the Liberals. The rest of us hate elections. They cost a lot of money. They take up valuable time during the Big Bang Theory . We get to see too much video of ugly people kissing babies, surrounded by immigrants. Except Andrea Horwath, she's sort of pretty like Blair on the Facts of Life, except for that insane haircut. Nobody wants a premier who has to spend an hour every day ironing her hair. Anyway, like it or not, with or without the leader of Ford Nation disrupting the proceedings, we are going to have an election. Ready, set, yawn. First thing, first. There's nobody good to vote for. A vote for Kathleen Wynne is a vote for the Liberals who have completely fucked up everything. They squandered your precious tax money on a billion dollar boondo...

Harper's dirty tricks squad

When I went to journalism school back in the 1970s, I met a lot of people who were there because of Watergate. My second year, the film All the President's Men came out, and the theatres were packed with J students who then piled into Oliver's Pub to talk about the heroic efforts of Woodward and Bernstein. I went to see John Dean spill. I attended a packed lecture by Carl Bernstein. It was almost romantic. Journos were the white knights and dastardly politicians wore the black hats. In the United States. None of us could conceive of a Watergate style scandal like that in Canada. Certainly, we've had the Sponsorship Scandal but it was about money, not about power. And it was in Quebec, not the rest of Canada where we often view our politicians as flawed but not dirty. It's now looking like we might have our first-ever dirty tricks caper in Canada. According to Elections Canada and Postmedia reports, at least 18 closely fought ridings were targeted by robotic...