Excerpt from my new book Distressed Pavement: To Ottawa With Love, which will be published in Fall 2021. Lester Swell started at the Ottawa Journal as a copyboy which was the vernacular of the day for gopher. It was the copy boy’s job to run stories typed on pieces of paper from reporters to editors. Often at deadline, reporters would still be writing their stories page by page, giving the copy boys a pretty good workout. They also managed the various wires in the backroom pulling copy from reporters and wire services around the world. Just as often, copyboys were sent off for beer, cigarettes, dry cleaning and food. It was a thankless job but a great way to get started in the highly competitive news business. Great reporters and photographers often credited their time as copyboys for getting a foot in the door. If a kid was bright enough, he was soon elevated to reporter status. Lester was a coddled, spoiled brat and quickly grew bored...
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